Articles Tagged with financial deregulation

In his remarks to Congress, out-going New York Federal Reserve President William Dudley implored lawmakers to preserve and maintain key financial regulation measures in face of growing support for review of standing requirements.

Dudley recently announced his decision to retire from his position earlier (mid-2018) than his term allots. According to a Reuters article, part of Dudley’s responsibilities as New York Fed President extend to being a “point-person” for Wall Street. The New York branch serves as the Fed’s eyes and ears on Wall Street, providing on-the-ground reports of activity to the central bank.

“Do no harm”

Out of Sight, Out of Mind?

Is 2008 far enough in our rear-view that we’ve already forgotten the same mistakes that brought the financial industry-and U.S. economy-to the brink of collapse? Evidently, it is for banks and policymakers.

You have probably been hearing a lot of talk about impending “reviews” of current financial regulation measures; the very regulations put in place immediately following the aftermath of the 2008 collapse; the very measures that are meant to ensure that kind of thing doesn’t happen anymore. However, these calls for review signal a clear intention for some of a desire for wide-scale financial deregulation.

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